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How Does Adaptive Training Recommend Workouts?

Adaptive Training looks at your current capabilities and custom training plan to determine whether adaptations need to be made to your upcoming workouts.

If you find a workout particularly challenging or easier than expected, Adaptive Training can adjust upcoming workouts to be more productive and keep you on track for your goals.

Within your training plan, each workout in a week has specific parameters such as Difficulty Level,  Workout Profile, Zone, and duration. When adaptations are made, they should maintain these parameters to align with the overarching goals of your training plan.

For instance, if you're on a Low Volume plan, Adaptive Training won’t recommend a two-hour workout to replace a one-hour workout because one of the aims of the Low Volume plan is to keep the duration low.

Likewise, Adaptive Training will try not to adapt a workout to a “Stretch” if it was supposed to be “Productive”, a Threshold Zone workout for a VO2 Max Zone workout, or Traditional VO2 Max intervals for On-Off VO2 Max intervals.


Why is Adaptive Training recommending easier workouts? 

If you find a workout particularly challenging, Adaptive Training may adjust an upcoming workout to be more productive and keep you on track for your goals. It’s also worth bearing in mind that not every subsequent workout will necessarily be at a higher Workout Level than the last one in the same training zone. Adaptations are part of a bigger plan, and you may find that some workouts will be slightly easier to keep your training sustainable.

Why are some, but not all, of the workouts in my training plan adapting? 

  • Training Plan Design

Specific workouts of the week within training plans have specific goals, and it may not be necessary to adapt every workout. For instance, in the Mid and High Volume Plans, Endurance workouts scheduled on a Wednesday are intended to be "Achievable". If you have a high Endurance Progression Level, these workouts will already be "Achievable". Therefore, the workout won’t necessarily be adapted to a Workout Level that matches your Endurance Progression Level.
  • Manually Added Workouts 

If you simply add workouts to your Calendar within the timeframe of your training plan, these will not be considered part of the plan and will not be adapted, but their completion will still affect your Progression Levels.

I rejected a set of adaptations, so why does Adaptive Training keep trying to adapt those workouts again? 

Whenever Adaptive Training checks for adaptations, it considers all your workouts during your current training phase. Even if you’ve denied adaptations for certain workouts before, Adaptive Training will reconsider whether these workouts should be adapted given your current progress. If you'd like to disable adaptations, you can turn off Adaptive Training from the Account section of TrainerRoad. Go to Account > Adaptive Training and uncheck "Enable Adaptive Training".

Does Adaptive Training recommend adaptations for Swim and Run workouts? 

Yes, if you're following a Triathlon plan, Adaptive Training will recommend adaptations for your Swim and Run workouts. Any Swim and Run workouts in your training plan that aren't marked as completed will be considered skipped by Adaptive Training and trigger adaptations for future workouts. For more info check out our Help Center article here.

How Does Adaptive Training Recommend Swim and Run Workouts? 

Adaptive Training does not adapt Swim and Run workouts based on performance in past workouts. Instead, it recommends adaptations based on any missed Swim or Run workouts in your training plan. For more info check out our Help Center article here

Why am I only seeing adaptations for workouts in my current training phase? 

Workouts will only be adapted within the current phase of the plan. For instance, if you are in the Base phase, you won’t see adaptations for the Build phase.

If I edit my training plan by adding or removing workouts, will adaptations still take place? 

If individual workouts are modified or replaced in advance using the “Alternates” option, Adaptive Training will view the replacement workouts as a part of your training plan and consider them for adaptations. If you simply add workouts to your calendar within the timeframe of your training plan, these will not be considered part of the plan and will not be adapted, but their completion will still affect your Progression Levels.

What happens if I want to rearrange my schedule? Can I change the date of workouts and still have them considered for adaptations? 

For sure! You can change the date of your workouts or drag and drop them to different days and still have them considered for adaptations.
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