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Does Adaptive Training Recommend Adaptations for Swim and Run Workouts?

If you're following a Triathlon plan, Adaptive Training will recommend adaptations for your Swim and Run workouts.

Any Swim and Run workouts in your training plan that aren't marked as completed will be considered skipped by Adaptive Training and trigger adaptations for future workouts.

How Does Adaptive Training Recommend Swim and Run Workouts?

Adaptive Training does not adapt Swim and Run workouts based on performance in past workouts. Instead, it recommends adaptations based on any missed Swim or Run workouts in your training plan. 

In scenarios where you leave your Swim and Run workouts as skipped on your Calendar, Adaptive Training will consider this and recommend adaptations for future workouts.  

Marking a Swim or Run Workout as Complete

Once you've completed your Swim or Run, you'll have to mark it as completed on your Calendar manually. Otherwise, if a workout is not checked as completed, it will automatically mark itself as skipped. 

To mark a Swim or Run as complete, simply select the workout from your Calendar and check the "This workout has been completed" box. Then hit "Save". 




Will Adaptive Training adapt Swim and Runs on a non-Plan Builder Tri plan?

Yes, Adaptive Training will adapt Swim or Run workouts on a non-Plan Builder Training Plan.

Do swim or run workouts have any effect on Adaptive Training in non-triathlon plans?

No, completing swim or runs outside of your bike only training plan will not have any affect on the bike workouts that Adaptive Training recommends.
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