TrainerRoad training plans use automatic AI FTP Detection updates to keep your FTP up to date. If you would like to opt out of these automatic AI FTP Detection updates and add Ramp Tests back to your Calendar you can do so by adjusting your plan's fitness assessment preferences from the TrainerRoad Calendar.
How to Adjust Your Fitness Assessment Preferences
How to Adjust on the Mobile Apps
- Make sure you're signed into the latest version of the TrainerRoad app.
- Select the ‘Calendar tab’ from the navigation menu.
- Find the start date of your current training plan.
- Select your training plans plan annotation.
- Select the pencil icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
6. Under ‘Fitness Assessments’ choose which testing type you would like to change your current plan to.
7. Select ‘Save’
How to Adjust on the Desktop Apps
- Make sure you're signed into the latest version of the TrainerRoad app.
- Select the ‘Calendar tab’ from the navigation menu.
- Find the start date of your current training plan.
- Select your training plans plan annotation.
- Under ‘Fitness Assessments’ choose which testing type you would like to change your current plan toand hit save!
How to Adjust on the TrainerRoad Website
- Make sure you're signed into the latest version of the TrainerRoad app.
- Select the ‘Calendar tab’ from the navigation menu.
- Find the start date of your current training plan.
- Select your training plans plan annotation.
- Under ‘Fitness Assessments’ choose which testing type you would like to change your current plan to and hit save!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I still use AI FTP Detection if I’ve opted to add back Ramp Tests?
Yes! You will still see the option to detect your FTP with AI FTP Detection in the Account tab as well as with any Ramp Tests scheduled on your Calendar.
Can I change my testing preferences once I’ve started a plan?
Yes! You can change the testing preferences of your current training plan at any time. To change the testing preferences of your current plan follow the instructions listed for mobile here, desktop here, and web here.
Why can’t I use AI FTP Detection?
If you aren’t able to use AI FTP Detection, you might not have met the minimum indoor workout requirement to use AI FTP Detection. You’ll need ten completed indoor workouts before you can use AI FTP Detection.
If you have completed ten indoor workouts and are still unable to choose AI FTP Detection please reach out to
Why can’t I replace AI FTP Detection with Ramp Tests when building a plan?
You will only be able to adjust your fitness assessment preferences after your plan has been built and added to your Calendar.
Does AI FTP Detection's New Functionality Work if I'm Not Following a Plan?
You can still use this new functionality without a plan! When you enable AI FTP Detection in early access, AI FTP Detection you will get the updated post-workout experience. You will also be prompted to use AI FTP Detection after a completed workout if you are within the 28-day window, and AI FTP Detection detects a new FTP.