Riders can use the built-in Filters feature and Plans & Teams sorting categories to find the exact workout they're looking for.
Mobile Filters
Riders can access the Filters feature via the Training screen on their TrainerRoad iOS application. Tap the filter icon in the upper, right-hand corner to display the options.
This screen will appear when the filter icon is tapped. Riders may sort rides by various options or select filters to display rides with specific parameters.
Sort By
Progression Levels
Mobile Teams Categories
Riders can access all workouts that have been shared with their Teams via the Training tab on their mobile TR application. Tap the "Teams" button to display the options.
Once the rider's teams are displayed, riders may select the workout they'd like to do from the team that shared that workout.
Desktop Filters
The filters for workouts on the Desktop apps can be found within the Workouts section of the apps.
You can filter through Favorites, Custom or Team workouts at the top as indicated below:
Or by clicking on the filter icon in the top right to gain access to more detailed filters such as: Zones, Progression Levels, Duration, Intensity etc.
If you are ever unable to see the workouts you are looking for, try resetting the filters by hitting the Reset button as shown below:
Legacy AIR App Filters
Riders can access the Filters feature via the Workouts tab within the desktop application. The list of filters will display on the left-hand side of the app.
Before choosing workout filters, be sure to reset any previous filters that have been set. This way, only the new filters you set will be applied to the results displayed.
Once filters are cleared, you can choose to display workouts within a plan, from your teams, only video workouts, and filter workouts by duration, zones, intensity, and whether or not the workout has in-workout text.