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Adding Non-Cycling Activities to the Calendar

The TrainerRoad Calendar supports an array of different activities, including Runs, Swims and Strength Training.

You can schedule them on your Calendar to plan ahead. Then once completed, you can either import them via Activity Sync and match them to activity, or in lieu of an imported activity, mark them as complete manually. 

For more information on all the sport types supported by the Calendar and how to import them automatically via Activity Sync, check out the following article: New Sport Types Supported with Activity Sync

Non-Cycling Activities Supported

Here are all the non-cycling activities supported:

  • Run
  • Swim
  • Strength Training
  • Walk
  • Hike
  • Ski/Snowboard
  • Golf
  • Row
  • Yoga
  • Paddleboard
  • Kayak
  • Other (includes all other types not listed above)

Adding an Activity to the Calendar

To add a non-cycling activity to your Calendar, simply click on the day that you'd like this activity to take place. You can then select the type of activity you'd like to add.

Note: If you aren't adding a Run, Swim or Strength Training activity, select "Other" to open a new window where you can select from all other activity types.

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From here, you can add the details of the activity that you're adding.

Note: The details may differ depending on the activity type. For instance, Strength Training allows you to add working sets. 

Marking an Activity as Complete

To mark activities as completed you can either:

  • Import an activity file via Activity Sync and associate the file with the planned workout.
  • Or, manually mark the activity as completed.

If an activity is not checked as completed, it'll automatically mark itself as skipped.

Option 1: Associate an Imported Activity with the Planned Workout

To associate a completed workout to a planned activity, right-click on imported activity and select "Associate with..." to pick the planned activity you want to associate.

This process is covered in more detail here: Associate a Planned Workout with a Completed Activity 

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Option 2: Manually Mark Activity as Complete

If you don't have an imported activity, you'll need to mark the planned activity as complete manually. 

Once an activity is marked completed, you can adjust the stats if necessary by clicking on the pencil icon to edit the activity.

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