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Associate a Planned Workout with a Completed Activity

Planned an indoor workout but ended up riding outside instead? Or, want to match your imported run file with a planned run activity? Associating a planned activity with an imported activity file is easy from the Calendar.

Quick Method to Associate Workouts

To quickly associate a completed workout to a planned activity, right-click on imported activity and select "Associate with..." to pick the planned activity you want to associate.

Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 17.30.57.png

Longer Method Associate Workouts

Step One:

Find the day on which you planned an indoor workout but completed a ride outdoors instead. (The outdoor ride needs to be completed on the same day of the planned indoor workout.)

Note: You can drag any skipped/planned workout and drop it on the day of a completed ride to replace the scheduled workout with the completed workout.

Select your completed outdoor workout from the Calendar to expand the activity modal.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 10.06.48 AM.png

Step Two:

Scroll down to Associated activity and click "No Associated Activity" to associate your Outside ride with the planned Indoor Workout.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 10.10.53 AM.png

Note: You will see the associated ride in the "Associated activity" field after 'Matching' the ride.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 10.15.24 AM.png

Note: Your completed ride will now replace the planned indoor workout with a "TR" logo.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 10.17.27 AM.png



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