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Workout Levels

Workout Levels are a metric within TrainerRoad that provide a way to easily compare the difficulty of workouts. Workout levels compare the relative difficulty of workouts within each energy system and training zone. They range from 1 to 10, with 1 representing an easy workout and 10 being a very difficult one.

Note: Some workouts can exceed a level 10.


How are workout Levels calculated? 

Workout Levels go beyond traditional metrics, like Training Stress Score (TSS) and Intensity Factor (IF). They utilize Adaptive Training’s data-driven insights and incorporate nuanced factors such as repetition, interval length, and recovery time to quantify the relative difficulty of each TrainerRoad workout. The result is workout difficulty rankings that are based on real-world experience and easy to understand. Workout Levels are unique to TrainerRoad, using a formula derived from machine learning and based on our extensive data set.

Where are Workout Levels displayed?

Workout Levels are displayed in workouts alongside other workout information such as duration, TSS, and IF. You can find the Workouts Levels for a workout on the Calendar, within training plans, and on the ride details page of each TrainerRoad and custom workout.


How to Use Workout Levels

Every workout in TrainerRoad has a Workout Level—this includes TrainerRoad workouts and custom workouts. You can easily filter for workout levels from the website and within the apps.

Using Workout Levels on the Web:

Go to the Workouts section of the website, then filter for workouts by specific levels.


Using Workout Levels on the Mobile App:

Go to the Workouts section of the app, select the filter icon in the top-right corner of the screen, then expand the Progression Level section to filter workouts by specific levels.

IMG_1013.PNG     IMG_1014.PNG

Using Workout Levels on the Desktop App:

Go to the Workouts section of the app, select the filter icon in the top-right corner of the screen, then expand the Progression Level section to filter workouts by specific Levels.




Why don't I have Workout Levels?

If you don't see Workout Levels make sure you're on the latest version of the TrainerRoad app. If you do not see levels for a specific workout, contact support@trainerroad.com.

How did you come up with Workout Levels?

We leveraged analysis made possible by our Machine Learning algorithms and insights gained through Adaptive Training to quantify workout difficulty. The result is an accurate representation of workout difficulty that considers details such as interval repetition, interval length, interval format, recovery time and more.

How are these different from my individual Progression Levels?

Your individual Progression Levels are a representation of your capabilities within the context of Workout Levels. Workout Levels are ML-driven quantifications of the relative difficulty workouts—those are what you see for every workout. Progression Levels show your relative current abilities across Training Zones. You can check your Progression Levels in your Career in the relative zone to check what difficulty of workouts are right for you based on your current abilities.

Are Workout Levels comparable from one Zone to another?

No. Workout Levels are classified in two ways: (1) Zone (2) Workout Profile. An example of Zones would be Endurance, Tempo, Sweet Spot, Threshold, VO2 Max, Anaerobic, Sprint. Each Zone has various different Workout Profiles within it. Workout Profiles represent the interval structure of the workout.

For example, the VO2 Max Zone has On-Offs, Float Sets, Sustained Intervals, Traditional, Attacks, and more. Workout Levels within a specific Zone and Workout Profile can be directly compared, while Workout Levels within a specific Zone but different Workout Profiles can only be loosely compared. Workout Levels between workouts of different Zones cannot be compared. For example, a Threshold Level 4.0 and an Endurance 4.0 will not have the same RPE.

What is the max level?

There is no max level, but most workouts will fall within Workout Levels 1-10. If you are completing workouts above Workout Level 10, you will gain more from reassessing your FTP and starting a new block of training at a higher FTP and lower Workout Levels.

How do I know how hard a workout is with these Workout Levels?

This understanding will come quickly as you train with Workout Levels. For context, most athletes can complete a Level 3 workout regardless of where they’re at in their training. In contrast, significantly fewer athletes tend to successfully complete a Level 8 workout unless their training has properly progressed them to that point.

Are Workout Levels personalized to each athlete?

No. Workout Levels are assigned to a specific workout based on its difficulty and are calculated regardless of an athlete's abilities. Individual Progression Levels are unique to each athlete. Your Progression Levels give you an indication of what workout difficulty you will be capable of completing. 

Will my custom workouts have Workout Levels?

Yes, all TrainerRoad workouts and custom workouts should have Workout Levels assigned to them, but at this point, we can’t endorse the Workout Levels of custom workouts. Currently, Workout Levels are calculated uniquely for custom workouts and are not comparable to the Workout Levels of workouts in the TrainerRoad workout library.

Will Outside Workouts have Workout Levels?

Yes. Every Outside Workout in the TrainerRoad workout library will have Workout Levels assigned to them.
If you find an Outside Workout that doesn't have Workout Levels, please contact support@trainerroad.com

How should I use this in conjunction with TSS and IF?

TSS, IF, Duration, and kJ(cal) are crucial metrics for understanding the impact of each workout, but none of them tells the full story. For instance, long, slow rides can have the same TSS and kJ(cal) as short, more intense ones. Also, two workouts of the same length and IF may have vastly different work/recovery structures, making it hard to compare the experience of one to the other. Workout Levels take all these factors into account in one easily understandable metric.

Why is the Workout Level different between an Outside Workout and the indoor version?

This is a bug. Please contact support@trainerroad.com if you're encountering this issue.
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