On MacOS Monterey and some other newer Mac operating systems, the "e" and "d" keys are automatically assigned a shortcut.
How to Disable the Shortcuts
- Click the Apple logo on the top left hand corner and go to "System Preferences..."
- Go to keyboard
- Click the Shortcuts tab (located at the top) and go to App Shortcuts (located on the left)
- Click the '+' sign and put WorkoutCreator as the application
- Under Menu Title, input 'Emoji & Symbols'
- Note: Emoji & Symbols must be typed exactly for this to work.
- For Keyboard Shortcut, press Option + Command + e
- Click add
- Try typing e on WorkoutCreator and it should work
- This can also happen with the "d" key, opening dictation options.
We can follow the same steps as above to fix the issue, but in step 5 enter "Start Dictation..." and in step 6 use the "d" instead of "e" key.