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MacOS Monterey “e” and “d” Keys Open Shortcut Commands

On MacOS Monterey and some other newer Mac operating systems, the "e" and "d" keys are automatically assigned a shortcut.

How to Disable the Shortcuts

  1. Click the Apple logo on the top left hand corner and go to "System Preferences..." 
  2. Go to keyboard 
  3. Click the Shortcuts tab (located at the top) and go to App Shortcuts (located on the left) 
  4. Click the '+' sign and put WorkoutCreator as the application 
  5. Under Menu Title, input 'Emoji & Symbols' 
    • Note: Emoji & Symbols must be typed exactly for this to work. 
  6. For Keyboard Shortcut, press Option + Command + e 
  7. Click add 
  8. Try typing e on WorkoutCreator and it should work
  9. This can also happen with the "d" key, opening dictation options.

We can follow the same steps as above to fix the issue, but in step 5 enter "Start Dictation..." and in step 6 use the "d" instead of "e" key. 

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