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Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor

TrainerRoad is compatible with most Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitors. Before attempting to pair, make sure you've read our article on Bluetooth Smart Connectivity to confirm you have everything needed to use Bluetooth. 

If you are having trouble connecting an ANT+ heart-rate monitor check out this link on ANT+ Heart-Rate Monitors.

Pairing a Bluetooth Smart Heart-Rate Monitor (Desktop)

1. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on

2. Go to the Devices tab in the app

3. Click on the HR monitor


4. Once your HR monitor is bordered in green it is paired!


Pairing a Bluetooth Smart Heart-Rate Monitor (Mobile)

1. Ensure Bluetooth is turned on

2. Navigate to the Devices tab in the app

3. Tap on the heart rate monitor and wait for it to pair


 4. Once the device has a green border you are connected and ready to go!


Pairing a Bluetooth Smart Heart-Rate Monitor (Legacy)

1. Ensure Bluetooth is turned on

2. Go to the Devices tab in the app

3. Scroll down to the section for Bluetooth devices.

4. Click "Pair"

TrainerRoad will look for the HR monitor

5. Wait for TR to find the HR monitor.

6. Your HR monitor is now paired!

  •  The box will turn green and display your current heart rate once the device is paired


TrainerRoad not finding your heart rate monitor?

1. Make sure you're wearing your HR monitor properly.

2. Wet the strap sensors to ensure a proper connection.

3. Replace HR strap's batteries.

If your having problems with your Bluetooth, check out this article on troubleshooting Bluetooth

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