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How to Analyze Personal Records

Great training will lead to new personal records! Our Personal Records system helps you track and analyze ALL of your PRs - from all-time down to PRs within a single workout.

Note: Personal Records analysis tools are only available on the TrainerRoad website, not in the app.

Import your outdoor rides into TrainerRoad

Sync your TrainerRoad account with Garmin Connect and/or Strava to import your outdoor ride history, and all future outdoor rides into TrainerRoad.

Personal Records: What is it?

The Personal Records Chart allows you to analyze PRs and create custom Seasons to see how your fitness is progressing.

Key Features

  • Create custom Seasons 
  • View the ride(s) a specific PR was achieved
  • Drill into PRs to analyze them more deeply from the Ride Analysis Page
  • View and compare weekly Personal Records of multiple Seasons
  • View all the instances a specific PR was achieved
  • Compare Seasons with SeasonMatch for a more precise look at your progress

Personal Records Chart Walkthrough

To navigate to your Personal Records, log into trainerroad.com. Once logged in, click on "Personal Records" in the top-left (under "Career").

If you don't see Personal Records in the menu sidebar, try clicking on Career first.

Create Seasons

The first step to analyzing your fitness with the Personal Records Chart is to create “Seasons” — custom defined periods of training and racing. Click “Manage Seasons” to create and edit Seasons.



Seasons Examples

Seasons can be created for any past, present and future period of time you want to analyze and compare your fitness in (e.g. entire years, months, training phases).


Compare PRs in Multiple Seasons

Select up to three Seasons in the drop-down menu above the graph to compare your Personal Records from each Season.

In this example, the rider is comparing all Personal Records achieved in their 2016 CX Season with all Personal Records achieved in their 2017 CX Season to see if they have improved between their two racing seasons.


Visualize Progress

With multiple Seasons selected, the rider can immediately visualize how their fitness has progressed from one season to the next.




Discover Rides You Achieved Personal Records

Click the Personal Records Chart on the specific PR you want to analyze. From the pinned tooltip, click “View Details” to reveal more information about the ride(s) your PR was achieved.



Drill Into Personal Records

From the “View Details” modal, click on a ride to analyze the specific PR you achieved from the Ride Analysis Page.


View and Compare Weekly Personal Records

From the “Weekly” view, a rider can see each week they achieved a new PR for the duration selected.

In this example, the rider has two Seasons selected: MTB 2018 and MTB 2017. Looking at their most current Season, MTB 2018, they can see they’ve achieved a new 8-minute PR in week 1, week 2, and week 8.


If the rider scrolls further down, they can see that after week 3 of their MTB 2017 Season, they didn’t make another new 8-minute PR until week 27.


What this rider has learned from their Weekly view:

  • They ended MTB 2017 Season with an 8-minute PR of 334 watts, which was achieved in week 27. In their first week of MTB 2018 Season, they achieved an 8-Minute PR of 376 watts. This means that by week 1 of their most current Season, the rider had already achieved a higher 8-minute PR from their previous Season!
  • They can also quickly see they achieved more PRs earlier in their most current Season.  

With this feedback, the rider can conclude they are faster than they were in their previous year of training and racing.

View Your All-Time Personal Records

Select "All Time" to see a detailed list of all instances a specific PR was achieved. In this example, the rider can see a complete list of their all-time 8-minute PRs.


Compare Seasons with SeasonMatch for Precise Insight on Progress

SeasonMatch compares where riders are in their most current season to the exact same point in a previous Season.


Get an Apples-to-Apples View of Your Progress

Select SeasonMatch to compare PRs that happened during the same weeks of two different Seasons. In this example, with SeasonMatch selected PRs achieved in week 24 of CX 2017 are being compared to PRs achieved in week 24 of CX 2016.

Where does "week 24" come from? SeasonMatch recognizes the number of weeks that are in each Season a rider creates, then compares PRs achieved during the same weeks of different Seasons.


The rider selected CX 2017 and CX 2016 to compare. They are 24 weeks into their most current season, CX 2017, and wants to see if their 8-minute PR is stronger this year than it was last year at the same point in their training.

When comparing their best 8-minute PR at 24 weeks into the current CX 2017 Season to their best 8-minute PR at 24 weeks into their past CX 2016 Season, they can see they are stronger. Their 8-minute PR is up 65 watts!


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