Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) refers to a 1-10 scale to self-report the intensity of an effort.
Our RPE scale is based largely on Matt Fitzgerald's running and swimming RPE scale. We use it because it falls in line with what we consider correct exertion levels for what we're trying to achieve with the workouts.
How to Use the RPE Scale
The RPE Scales are broken into three separate columns:
Column 1 - Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) from 1-10
Column 1 lists the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) on a 1-10 rating.
Lower RPE ratings are hardly distinguishable (RPE 1-2, RPE 3-4, RPE 5-6), which is why the lower RPE ratings are collapsed into a single row.
Column 2 - Effort Level
Column 2 lists effort levels relative to each RPE rating (e.g. a Moderate effort should feel like a 7/10 according to your rate of perceived exertion level).
Column 3 - Zone/Pacing Equivalent
Column 3 lists TrainerRoad's cycling power zones, and the workout types for swims and runs that you would perform in these zones. These give cyclists and triathletes a way to more easily understand how their RPE levels compare to the effort levels of their cycling power zones.
For example, riders understand what the "Endurance" power zone feels like on the bike. Using the RPE chart and knowing that "Easy-Moderate" should feel about the same RPE that "Endurance" work feels like on the bike, athletes have a better idea of how their Easy-Moderate pace should feel during running and swimming workouts.
Cycling RPE scale
Example of Outside Cycling Workout Using RPE
The outside-workout equivalent of "Darwin" includes the following description:
"Warm Up:
- Ride for 6 minutes gradually raising your effort from RPE 4 to 7.
- 4 minutes easy.
Main Set:
- 4x10 minutes at RPE 8 with 3 minutes easy between intervals.
Cool Down:
- 1 minute easy."
This workout begins with a warm-up period between RPE 4-7. This effort should range from an "Easy" pace to your "Sustained Power" abilities. Relating this to Power Zones within TrainerRoad, your effort should range between 55% FTP (just above Active Recovery) to 88%-94% FTP (Sweet Spot).
Your main set has you settling in at a "Threshold" pace. Relating this RPE level to Power Zones within TrainerRoad, your effort should range between 95%-105% FTP.
Your cool-down period finishes your workout with an RPE 4 pace, which relates to around 55% FTP.
Running RPE Scale
Examples of Run Workouts Using RPE in TrainerRoad:
A running workout titled, "Run VO2max Intervals", includes the following workout description:
"Run 12min working up to Easy-Moderate, RPE 6 pace to warm up, then this week repeat 18 Hard, RPE 9, 30-second high-speed surges, recovering for only 30 seconds after each; run 10min Easy, RPE 4 to cool down for a total of 40 minutes of running"
This workout begins with an RPE 6 pace, transitions into several RPE 9 efforts, and finishes with what should feel like an RPE 4 cool-down period. Referring to the second column in the RPE chart, this translates to beginning the workout at an "Easy-Moderate" pace, transitioning into 18 "Hard" efforts, and cools down with an "Easy" 10 minutes of running.
Swimming RPE Scale
Examples of Swim Workouts using RPE in TrainerRoad:
A swimming workout titled, "Continuous Base Swim (2400m)", includes the following workout description:
"Warm-Up 300m Easy, RPE 4
1800m Easy-Moderate, RPE 6
Cool-Down 300m easy, RPE 4"
This workout warms up with an RPE 4 effort, transitions into an RPE 6 effort, and cools down with an RPE 4 effort. Referring to the RPE chart, the workout begins with an "Easy" pace, moves into an "Easy-Moderate" pace, and concludes with an "Easy" cool-down period.