Difficulty Levels are a ranking system to determine how challenging a workout will be in relation to your current abilities. They are determined by comparing the workout's Workout Level to your Progression Level in the workout's respective training zone.
What are the different Difficulty Levels?
From least to most difficult, a workout can be considered:
Achievable workouts have a Workout Level at or below your Progression Level in the workout's training zone and are comparatively easy relative to other workouts you've recently completed.
Productive workouts are just above your Progression Level. They’re great for consistency, maintaining the balance between growing your fitness and not overloading yourself with too much fatigue.
Stretch workouts are further above your Progression Level than Productive ones and will be tough in relation to your current fitness. While doable, they are challenging to do consistently and require additional focus on recovery.
Breakthrough workouts are even higher than your Progression Level than Stretch workouts, meaning that successfully completing a workout of this type will be very difficult.
Not Recommended
Not Recommended workouts are far above your Progression Level, and attempting them will likely add significant fatigue and do little to improve your fitness.
Where are Difficulty Levels displayed?
Calendar Thumbnails
- For completed TrainerRoad workouts on your Calendar, Difficulty Levels (relative to your Progression Level when you completed the workout) are displayed alongside other workout information such as duration, TSS, and IF.
- Difficulty Levels will not be displayed for future workouts or any past workouts not associated with a TrainerRoad workout.
Workout Details Page
- Opening a workout in the app or website will display the Difficulty Level in relation to your current Progression Levels.
Difficulty Levels on the TrainerRoad Website
Difficulty Levels on the TrainerRoad Desktop App
Difficulty Levels on the TrainerRoad Mobile App
How to use Difficulty Levels to Filter Workouts
All workouts have Difficulty Levels — TrainerRoad and custom workouts. You can easily filter for Difficulty Levels from the website and within the apps.
Using Difficulty Levels on the Web:
Go to the Workouts section of the website, then filter for workouts by specific levels.
Using Difficulty Levels on the Mobile App:
- Go to the Workouts section of the app, select the filter icon in the top-right corner of the screen, then expand the Difficulty section to filter workouts by Difficulty Levels.
Using Difficulty Levels on the Desktop App:
- Go to the Workouts section of the app, select the filter icon in the top-right corner of the screen, then expand the Difficulty section to filter workouts by Difficulty Levels.
Why don’t I see Difficulty Levels for future workouts?
- Difficulty Levels will only display for completed workouts on your Calendar. Any workouts scheduled in the future won't display Difficulty Levels.
- This is because Difficulty Levels are determined by your Progression Levels at the time you attempt the workout. Progression Levels regularly change in response to your recent performance, and since we don't know what your Progression Levels will be in the future, we don't display Difficulty Levels for future workouts.
- That said, you can always open the workout details page of any upcoming workout to see the Difficulty Level in relation to your current Progression Levels.