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Calendar Export

You can now push your upcoming ride schedule to the Calendar service of your choice!  


Calendar Services Supported

  • Google Calendar
  • iCal
  • Outlook

Don't see your service listed?  

No problem!  As long as your service supports subscribing to a Calendar URL you can still sync your TrainerRoad Calendar.

What Activities are Sent?

  • Planned TrainerRoad rides
  • Planned outdoor rides
  • Planned runs
  • Planned swims
  • Planned "other" activities
  • Annotations
  • Training Plan annotations

Note: Completed activity information is not sent to external calendars.  

Setting up Calendar Export

External Calendar Integration is set up by going to https://www.trainerroad.com/profile/calendar-sync 

From here you will have the option to select the external calendar of your choice.


Selecting an external calendar and clicking "Connect Calendar" will automatically open that calendar.  

Note: iCal or Outlook must be set as your default calendar to automatically open. Also, you'll need to use an iOS or Mac device in order to set up iCal export, this can't be completed using a PC. 


Once redirected, confirm you want to add your TrainerRoad Calendar.  


TrainerRoad activities will show on your calendar as "all day" events.


Manual Setup-iCal

  1. Copy Calendar URL from https://www.trainerroad.com/profile/calendar-sync 
  2. Open iCal
  3. From the File menu, select New Calendar Subscription                                                                                                                               Screen_Shot_2019-01-28_at_9.54.10_AM.png 
  4. If you are presented with a list of options, select From URL 
  5. Paste the URL into the form field and click Subscribe                                                  Screen_Shot_2019-01-28_at_9.55.50_AM.png
  6. We recommend setting your calendar to refresh every 5 minutes to receive updates as quickly as possible.  Screen_Shot_2019-01-31_at_8.33.49_AM.png

Note: Integration with iCal needs to be set up using an Apple device.

Manual Setup-Google Calendar

  1. Copy Calendar URL from https://www.trainerroad.com/profile/calendar-sync 
  2. Click the 3 dot icon next to Add Calendar                           Screen_Shot_2019-01-25_at_10.48.27_AM.png
  3. Select From URL from the listScreen_Shot_2019-01-25_at_10.52.03_AM.png
  4. Paste the URL into the form field and click Add CalendarScreen_Shot_2019-01-25_at_10.53.27_AM.png

Manual Setup-Outlook

  1. Copy Calendar URL from https://www.trainerroad.com/profile/calendar-sync 
  2. Open Outlook
  3. From Outlook, click Add Calendar
  4. Select the option From Internet

  5. Paste the URL into the form field
  6. Enter a name and click Save 


Manual Setup-iPhone Calendar

  1. Copy Calendar URL from https://www.trainerroad.com/profile/calendar-sync 
  2. Go to Settings > Calendar > Accounts > Add Account > Other
  3. Tap Add Subscribed Calendar
  4. Paste the URL of the .ics file to subscribe to your TrainerRoad Calendar

Note: these steps will vary depending on iOS version. Refer to this page for steps on other iOS versions.


Why isn't my external calendar updating after I change my TrainerRoad Calendar?

We push out updates to your TrainerRoad Calendar as soon as they are made but unfortunately cannot control when those updates are posted to an external calendar.  

Google Calendar, for example, mentions updates can take up to 12 hours to post, but some users have seen longer in extreme cases.

Can I specify a time for my activities so they don't show as "all-day" events?

We currently support this for TrainerRoad workouts but not other activities. In order to have your workouts show up at a specific time, set your workout time within the TrainerRoad app.


How do I remove my TrainerRoad Calendar from an external calendar?

Removing your Calendar as a feed cannot be done from your TrainerRoad account.  You will need to unsubscribe from TrainerRoad in your external calendar settings.  

How will I know if I can sync with an external calendar not listed above?  

When looking for support, you will need to find out if your calendar allows subscriptions via a URL.  The specific format TrainerRoad Calendars are sent in is .ics.  

Can I push my TrainerRoad Calendar to TrainingPeaks?  

Unfortunately planned activities cannot be pushed to TrainingPeaks.  However, you can push completed TrainerRoad rides to TrainingPeaks using Activity Sync.  More information about setting up Activity Sync with TrainingPeaks can be found here.  

Can I pull my TrainingPeaks calendar into TrainerRoad?  

We can't pull your entire TrainingPeaks calendar into TrainerRoad, but we can import your custom TrainingPeaks workouts. Check out this article to learn more about importing your custom TP workouts into TR.

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