Running activities can be imported and analyzed within TrainerRoad. Runs can be accessed in the apps and website and are automatically imported from Strava or Garmin Connect via Activity Sync, or manually imported on the TrainerRoad website.
How to View and Analyze Runs
Enable Activity Sync with Strava and/or Garmin Connect to automatically import your running activities. Your imported runs will automatically associate with your planned runs once they import into TrainerRoad.
Runs will automatically backfill once you set up Activity Sync. If Activity Sync is already set up, your runs will already be backfilled.
You can also manually import your run activities using these steps.
Note: Garmin Connect requires you to upload a new ride/run before starting the backfill process
Indoor and Outdoor Runs
TrainerRoad imports both indoor runs completed on a treadmill and runs completed outdoors. Runs look different depending on if they are indoors or outdoors and depending on the data we have for the activity.
Indoor Run
Outdoor Run
Access the TrainerRoad Calendar to view and analyze your runs.
Select the run to drill in and analyze the activity.
Note: for deeper analysis tools, select Analyze to access the TrainerRoad website.
Access the TrainerRoad Calendar or the Past Activities page to view and analyze your runs. Deeper analysis tools, like drilling into specific intervals and an interactive map (if outdoors), is only available on the website.
Past Activities page:
Select Past Activities from the Career sub-navigation menu.
Select the All Activities drop down to view only running activities.
Click into a run activity to access the Run Details page to analyze the ride more deeply. The workout chart is interactive and run metrics will update on the fly.
The Run Details page also includes a breakdown of intervals, a map of the run (if completed with GPS data), and a section for notes.
Click and drag on the chart to analyze specific sections of your run and add specific intervals.
Scroll to the bottom of the Run Details page to see the planned run the activity is associated with.
How to Manually Import Runs into TrainerRoad
Select Past Activities from the Career sub-navigation menu.
Select Import Activity to launch the Import Activity tool.
Drag and drop files, or select Browse, to import your run activities.
How to Associate/Dissociate Imported Runs with Scheduled Runs
Imported runs are automatically associated with planned runs. TSS is automatically calculated based on the planned run for the day.
In order to dissociate an imported run from a planned run, access the TrainerRoad calendar and click into the imported run.
Note: Managing run association is only available on the website.
Frequently Asked Questions
What data is displayed on the Run Activity Details page?
Can I switch between using kilometers vs. miles?
Switching your unit preference is a global setting and we don't have the ability to switch units for only run activities currently.